Evolved industry in a process of cultural and value change
Professional in production, …
The company GUTMANN ALUMINIUM DRAHT GMBH (GAD) is one of the leading German suppliers of drawn aluminium round wires, aluminium round rods and aluminium profile bars. Our products are available in a large selection of sizes, lengths and alloys. This means that aluminium wires, aluminium bars, etc. from GAD GMBH are suitable for use in many processing sectors – whether, for example, the automobile supply industry, medical and joining technology, electrical and mechanical engineering industry or food industry. We offer a comprehensive value-added chain for wire and bars made of aluminium and we stand for innovation and reliability.
Alu Runddraht
- Herstellbare Durchmesser von 0,08 mm bis 25 mm
- Branchenübergreifende Einsatzzwecke
- Mehr als 40 verschiedene Aluminiumlegierungen
- Auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmte Verpackungslösungen
Alu Rundstangen
- Alu-Rundstangen von 200 mm bis 6000 mm
- Große Auswahl an Formen, Längen und Legierungen
- Durchmesser von 1,6 mm bis 15 mm
- zusätzliche Reinigung bei kleinen Abmessungen bis zu 4 mm
Alu Profilstangen
- kleine Abmessungen ab 1 mm x 1 mm mit präzisen Toleranzen
- Große Auswahl an Legierungen mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften
- Geringe Teillieferkosten
- Anfertigung gemäß Ihrer Zeichnung in verschiedenen Längen
Round Wire
- Producible diameters of 0.08 mm to 25 mm
- Cross-sectoral applications
- Over 40 different aluminium alloys
- Packaging solutions adapted to your needs
Round Rods
- Aluminium round rods from 200 mm to 6000 mm
- Large selection of shapes, lengths and alloys
- Diameters from 1.6 mm to 15 mm
- Additional cleaning for small sizes of up to 4 mm
Profile Rods
- Small sizes starting from 1 mm x 1 mm, with precise tolerances
- Large selection of alloys with different properties
- Low part-delivery costs
- Produced in different lengths in accordance with your drawing

… trailblazing in organisation.
In response to a constantly growing momentum in economic relations and to ever new facets of complexity in a global market environment, since the spring of 2015 GAD GMBH has been living the culture of an agile learning organisation.